Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

As Mother's Day approaches, I find myself thinking more and more about what it means to be a Mom to a child with special needs.

Over the years, I have connected with so many amazing mothers of children with various disabilities or developmental delays. Mothers who do everything every other Mom does, plus a whole lot more. If these Moms weren't strong before they had their special child, they have since developed a strength unlike any other. These Moms have become overnight experts on their child's condition, and have spent countless hours researching therapies and treatments, medications and procedures. They juggle complicated schedules, challenging behaviours, special diets and alternate education plans. They manage to make dinner, fold laundry, tidy the house and pay the bills, all while meeting every need of their child - a child who is demanding and who needs her for every single minute of every single day. These mothers are doing more than just coping. They are succeeding. They are flourishing, and they are inspiring. 

It is hard work, raising a child who has extra challenges, but it brings with it enormous rewards. 

Being a mother is the greatest joy of my life. It is hard, it is exhausting, it pushes me to my limits and pulls at my emotions. It is a constant, beautiful journey. Motherhood has made me feel the happiest, cry the hardest, and love the strongest.

Brennen.. thank you for making me a Mom. 
This Mother's Day, I don't need a celebration, or roses, or jewelry, or presents. You are my greatest gift. 

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mommas in my life. 
Happy first Mother's Day to my sister, who is loving every minute with her sweet baby girl.

Happy Mother's Day to my own Mom - I love you!

To Andrew's Mom -  I am so thankful to have you as a second Mom!  We love you!

To my late Grandmothers - I am glad to have known you, to have been loved by you, and to have learned so much from you. 
My Mom's Mom always said that Brennen would "get better".  You were right, Nan.. he's perfect!! 

To all of the amazing Mothers on their own journey of raising a child with special needs -  We got this!

Happy Mother’s Day to anyone who has ever loved a child. 

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