This post is to get you all caught up on what has been happening with us personally, and to let you know about some big changes in our home!
I shared the story of how Andrew and I originally started our child care program
HERE. Early in Brennen's life, we recognized the need for a quality child care program for children with disabilities. We saw the limited options that were available, and we wanted more for our child. We knew there were so many other parents in situations like ours, with children who required extra care and attention, and we were compelled to do something about it. We started
Little Tulips Family Child Care with the belief that all children, including those with complex or high needs can thrive in a home environment that is stimulating, nurturing, and adapted to suit their individual needs.
We've had an incredible 4 years, working with some wonderful children and their families. We created an environment that would directly address each child's emotional, social, and intellectual
development, and created a specialized program that would both challenge and support them individually. It has been difficult at times, but also incredibly rewarding. Over the past four years, we have witnessed our children achieve many milestones in their lives, including learning to crawl, walk, communicate, and gain independence. We've had an amazing little group of children and we are thankful for the opportunity to work with each and every one of them. We've even had our very own
Janeway Miracle Child!
We are thankful to the many individuals who have been a part of our success over these past few years. We are extremely grateful to the parents who trusted us with their most precious belongings - their children. With their support, we worked in a collaborative effort with physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists, early intervention
specialists, and developmental and behavioural practitioners. Great things happened here every day, and we have witnessed the remarkable things that can happen when people work together!
We helped children recognize ways to be happy, to learn, to make friends, and to find reassurance in their own abilities. We offered children experiences that will shape their minds and prepare them to enter a much bigger world of adventures.
We put in some long days and a lot of hard work, but the hard work doesn't seem so bad when it involves good things and good people!
We have been very fortunate to have some truly wonderful opportunities present themselves to us, and we know when to take them. With that, Andrew and I have decided to close our child care program at this time.
While I am a little bit sad to be closing the door on this chapter of
our lives, Andrew and I are incredibly excited about what is coming
next! Andrew has taken a new position as an Inclusion Consultant with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and we are thrilled to say that we have recently welcomed a foster child to our family! There are no words to express how much love we feel for this little girl already, and how excited we are to be able to offer her a stable and loving home. I really feel like this is the happiest we have been in a long time, and I thank all of you, especially our close friends and family, for sharing in our joy!!
Things have really been changing here over the past few weeks! Our child care license has been removed from the bulletin board, and over the next little while I will take down the colourful projects and pictures that line the walls of our playroom.
Already, the emptiness speaks volumes about the fullness of activity that has been here for the past four years. Name-tags that personalized the children's cubbies are gone, and the schedules and lists of daily activities have been safely tucked away for safe-keeping. I will remember these days forever, and I will remember them fondly, but we are excited to create new memories in our next adventure as a family. We know that going forward we will only grow with a tremendous sense of fulfillment, as Andrew and I continue to work with children in a profound and meaningful way!